Wednesday, October 12, 2011


My sister called me early this morning around 6am...To tell me about her dream...It's about our mom!...Oh ya..want to share with you about my mother! She passed away on Dec.26,2010 of cancer. Hummm...if I tell you about my mom that would take me the whole day or even weeks to type...of course I am not going to...anyway... I am very lucky to have a wonderful mom..but she is gone and all I have left is memory! If you still have your mom, take care of her...meaning... Go Visit your MOM...Do it often! Take her somewhere that she likes...not you...and if you do be patience with her. Talk more with her and try to listen! Buy her toilet papers, drinking bottles,  face lotions....what kind?...any... who care old people don't break out. I miss my mom...wish we could have her another day...regardless bad or good I'll take it!
I am glad that she was able to meet one of her favor singer before she left!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Do you have a Hobby?

You should....that will keep you busy and stay out of trouble (if your like me hehe) I like taking are some of photos that I took.

Friday, October 7, 2011

You are different!

When someone say to me..Do you know you are different?  I said...well yes thank you! of course with a smile:)

Have a good Day!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve... please say hi to my mom!

Funny, I create this blog the day before Steve died. I have changed quite a bit after my mom died of cancer last year. Thanks God she didn't suffer much. When we cleaned out her hit me. When you die you will leave everything behind...So I told myself do what ever I wish..cut back the things that I don't rally need and most of all just be happy!  Sad that Steve Jobs passed away:( He sure made lot of us happy! It's very true that money can not buy everything.....JUST HELP! It's not fair for him thou..........May you rest in peace Steve!!!

Mom, I miss you and this song for you:)

Mưa Trên Phố Huế - Ngọc Hạ

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dont forget to smile

Oh hello there…Welcome to my blog. You are  looking at my first post! I hope you woke with a smile on your face and if not you can smile now…don’t worry you are not on camera so go ahead smile:) :0) :~)
It's good for you really.
Good day!