Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Man:)

This is a very unusual plant. It makes you laugh when look at it…I name this plant “Happy Man” Picture say thousand words….Well say what ever you want, it still look funny.
Its belong to the succulent group, doesn’t likes direct sun or too much water. I got some information from the web.
Ceropegia ampliata is a perennial twiner or scrambler with a succulent stem arising from a fleshy, tuberous rootstock. Plants occasionally branch at the nodes and can grow up to 2 m and more in length. The stems are hairless and sometimes have longitudinal grooves. The plants have fleshy tuft roots from germinating seed or fibrous roots form at the nodes where the stem touches the soil surface. Leaves are borne on terminal growth; they are very small, up to about 3 mm long, and are lanceolate or heart-shaped. The leaves are shed early and the stem is the main organ used for photosynthesis.

Cantua buxifolia- Hot Pants

A Must have in your garden!

Cantua buxifolia- 'Hot Pants' also called Magic Flower.  the National Flower of Bolivia. For me this is a semi evergreen bush/small tree that can grows up to 8 feet tall here in my area.  The plant comes from Andes and is very, very beautiful indeed. A dazzling display in Spring/Summer of bright cerise, tubular flowers, 3" long, flaring at the tips in dense, terminal clusters   It grows well in full sun, well-draining soil, and regular watering.  